
Illuminated Preaching: The Holy Spirit’s Vital Role in Unveiling His Word, the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

All true expository preachers want to experience the illumination of the Scripture in their hearts when they study and preach. Sadly, today’s preaching culture promotes an imbalance in the discussion of the Spirit’s role in preaching at a time when so many preachers err on the sides either of mysticism or of pragmatism. In this Bible-soaked study, Jeffrey Crotts defines and applies the seemingly...

Instead, the truth simply comes across “to their unregenerate judgment [as] … ‘foolishness’ or nonsense to their unredeemed minds.”9 As one homiletics scholar put it, “Facts inform but only the Spirit transforms, and that is what is missing when the Spirit’s illumination is not present.”10 The Bible offers hope, for although this first stage of illumination can be rejected, it can also serve as what Owen called “preparatory operations on the souls of men.”11 Under this first stage Owen admitted,
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